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Image by Rosie Sun

IMEducation Presents
The Thriving Resilience Collective

From Surviving to Thriving: Unleash Resilience in Your Child

Join our parent coaching community dedicated to enhancing resilience in our dynamically diverse and complex children through shared knowledge, experiences, and empowerment.

Psst. You can even get a free 30-minute parent coaching session with Dr. Palmer




Is your child feeling lost in the classroom, wishing for more tailored support to help them learn and succeed? How might parent coaching guide you in advocating for and implementing strategies that cater to their unique learning strengths and needs?

Does your child struggle with emotional resilience due to developmental complexities? Are you looking for ways to better support them in navigating their feelings and overcoming challenges with confidence?

Have you noticed your child facing challenges in forming meaningful friendships and feeling socially accepted? Would you like to explore how parent coaching can help you create a more inclusive environment for them at school and in the community?


We know as parents and caregivers that every step towards growth and learning in our children hinges on resilience—be it at home, at school, within a community, or in relationships with friends and family.

But embracing resilience isn't always straightforward, especially in our ( dynamically (neuro)divergent children.

Here are four truths we must confront on our journey to cultivating thriving resilience in our children:

Children are not Born Super-Resilient

It's a journey that requires guidance, support, and shared wisdom from parents and caregivers.

Children Rarely recognize the importance of resilience in their lives. 

It's crucial to illuminate how building resilience transforms challenges into strengths.

Don't overlook the power of your narrative

The stories of resilience, the conversations about overcoming, and the words of encouragement are foundational in building a resilient child.

You Can't Do it alone

Community is essential for building resilience. Parents need a support network of like-minded peers, who can provide encouragement, support, and guidance as they navigate the challenges of cultivating resilience in their children.

Want to test drive Dr. Palmer's parent coaching with a free 30-minute session?

How You Be Empowered to Cultivate Thriving Resilience?

We believe the answer is through coaching & community


Empowerment Masterclass Workshops

Join me for my Bi-Monthly Empowerment Masterclass Workshop and discover how you can better support your kids on their journey to thrive. The session will give parents the knowledge and skills to help children develop greater resilience and overcome adversity. During the 60-minute workshop, we work together to create a deliverable plan customized to your needs.


Thrive Together 4-Week Small Group Training

Our Thrive Together 4-Week Small Group Training is a unique opportunity for families to gather and learn more about neurodevelopmental diversity and complexity and how it affects our children's growth and thriving. Our sessions are limited to only 6 families, providing a safe and intimate space to discuss and explore topics such as behavior, learning, and social-emotional development. Join us and start unlocking your child's full potential!


One-to One Parent Coaching

Our One-to-One Parent Coaching is the ideal solution for parents seeking personalized support for their child's education and well-being. Dr. Palmer will provide you with the tools you need to improve your child's academic performance and emotional well-being. Invest in your child's future by signing up for our six-week coaching program.

What is Developmental Diversity and Complexity?

Developmental diversity refers to the wide range of ways in which children grow and develop cognitively, emotionally, physically, and socially. It acknowledges that every child is unique, with their own strengths, challenges, and pace of development.


Developmental complexity, on the other hand, describes situations where a child faces multiple, intertwined developmental challenges that affect their learning, behavior, and adaptation to their environment. It recognizes that some children's developmental paths involve navigating through more layered and intricate difficulties, such as neurodivergence, trauma, or mental health challenges.

Get Started on Your Coaching Journey in

3 Simple Steps: 

Image by Sincerely Media

Sign up for Our Newsletter

Stay updated on the latest strategies for promoting thriving resilience in your children with our weekly Newsletter. Each issue contains three insights and two proven strategies, as well as an application question to help you put these ideas into practice. Sign up now and start cultivating emotional resilience and mental strength in your children with confidence.

Image by Good Faces

Schedule Your Free 30-Minute Coaching Call

Schedule your free coaching call today and get a chance to discuss any topic regarding parenting and raising dynamically (neuro)diverse

children and teens with

Dr. Palmer for 30 minutes. Book now and take the first step towards becoming a more confident and compassionate parent.


Book Your Service

Are you ready to witness true transformation in your child's developmental journey? Our coaching services are the perfect solution for parents who want to see their children unlock their full potential. Book with us today and start seeing the results of our proven coaching methods.

Speaking Endorsements
Certifications and Award

What is the Thriving Resilience Model?

Could we interest you in a free 30-minute parent coaching session with Dr. Palmer ( not included)?

Questions? Let us know!


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